If you’ve realized that your home isn’t really meeting your needs, you may think that moving is your only option. But is it truly the best solution? Between updating your home to prepare it for sale, working with a realtor to get it listed, organizing the details of purchasing a new home, and actually selling your home, you may quickly realize that it’s more work than you’d thought. Instead, perhaps you should consider the benefits of a home addition. Learn why in this week’s blog.

If your home is no longer meeting your needs, a home addition may be a much simpler solution than moving.
Create the perfect home for you
One of the best parts about investing in a home addition is that you can tailor your home to work specifically for you. Perhaps you’d like to add another story to your home so you can create separate bedrooms for your children. Or maybe you would love to add a sunroom so the other rooms in your home can be used more efficiently. No matter the reason you are considering a home addition, you will get to decide exactly how it is added and how you will use it. This means you end up with a house that feels like it was custom-made for you!
Lessen expenses and headaches
Selling a home is complicated business and associated fees can really add up. Not to mention the fact that you may need to wait until your home has sold to afford the down payment on a new house, and where will you live in the meantime? With a home addition, the cost of construction is all you need to worry about. In most cases you’ll still be able to live in your home while the renovations are being done, so you won’t have to worry about finding a new place to rest your head. Even better, the work is guaranteed to get done, whereas you can never be sure whether your home will sell. A home addition offers more control over your living situation and will add value to your home if and when you do decide to sell.
Get In Touch With C.C. Dietz, Inc Today
Are you interested in learning more about the process of building a custom home? Contact C.C. Dietz! If you’re ready to get started on custom home building, we’re here to help. If you’d like to schedule a free consultation, please contact us by calling 717.755.1921 or visit our website! Also, be sure to follow us on
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Tags: custom homes, home addition