Serving York, PA Since 1921

Your Planning Checklist for Kitchen Remodeling in York

With a beautiful home in York, you want to make sure that you have any kitchen remodeling plans fully prepared.

Obviously you don’t want to just rush into remodeling your kitchen, so making a checklist will help you account for everything that goes into such a big project. What are some of the most important items that should be on your kitchen-remodeling checklist?


Prepare the Neighbors!

The people of York are very neighborly, so this shouldn’t be much of an issue. Kitchen remodeling generally takes place in the morning, so you’ll want to be considerate of the quiet your neighbors are normally accustomed to. There will be all sorts of people coming in and out of your home, and there will also be additional vehicles from construction crews and contractors occupying space around your neighborhood. Just let your neighbors know that you are having a kitchen remodeling, and give them a time frame of when you expect it to be finished. Let your neighbors know that if there are any issues with parking, they can come to you and you will take care of it. Also, plan out exactly when the kitchen remodeling will take place. You don’t want it to start at 6am before everyone is up, but you don’t want it to start at 6pm when everyone is coming back home and trying to relax from a hard day.

Removing Garbage and Waste

You may be surprised, but garbage can build up pretty quickly with a kitchen-remodeling project. Depending on the size of the project, you may want to consider renting a small dumpster, but you’ll need to figure out how you’ll haul waste and garbage away from your home.

Features of Kitchen Remodeling

When you have some of the finer details smoothed over, you’ll need to start thinking about what exactly you want to get out of a kitchen remodeling in York. You don’t want your kitchen to stand out in a bad way, so it’s important to keep your kitchen remodeling inline with the current style of your home. Some of the major additions with kitchen remodeling projects are new cabinetry, islands, countertops and appliances. Working with a professional contractor will help you narrow down your options, as some designs will work better than others. Have a plan though of how extensive you want your kitchen remodeling to be. You may not realize the amount of options you have with countertops and cabinetry, so be prepared to feel a little overwhelmed.

A trusted contractor will walk you through everything, however, so don’t be afraid to update your kitchen in York today!

Remodeling Your Kitchen in York

Are you interested in learning more about bathroom remodeling in York, PA? Contact C.C. Dietz! If you’re ready to remodel, we’re here to help. If you’d like to schedule a free consultation, please contact us by calling 717.755.1921 or visit our website! Also, be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitterGoogle+, and LinkedIn.
